Passed at the General Assembly 6.7.1979. Revised at the General Assembly 15.8.1991 (§ 13), 11.8.1994 (§: s 5 and 9), 22.8.2003 (§: s 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 16), 17.6.2005 (§: s 4, 5, 10 and 12), 14.8.2013 (§: s 10 and 14), 17.8.2017 (§3), 1.9.2022 (§2 and §5)
§1 The name of the Society is Societas Physiologiae Plantarum Scandinavica.
§2 The purpose of the Society is to further the development of all branches of plant physiology in the widest sense, and to create and maintain personal contacts among plant biologists in the Nordic countries. The Society publishes a scientific journal, Physiologia Plantarum, holds scientific meetings and in other ways supports plant biology. The activities of the Society should adhere to the UN Sustainability Goals. All activities organized or supported by the Society should be offset through quality-controlled schemes.
§3 Any person who is interested in plant biology and who will support the activities of the Society is eligible for membership on application to the Secretary. All members who have paid their membership fee will receive a notice of the Society's scientific meeting, General Assembly and other activities. A member who has not paid her/his dues at the time of one (1) year will be removed from the list of members.
Any department or group of persons from the Nordic countries who is interested in plant biology can join as supporting organization. The fee will depend on the size of the group and is decided by the general assembly. Persons from a supporting group can register individually for membership in the society at a reduced fee decided by the council.
§4 The executive bodies of the Society are the Council and the Election Committee. The Ordinary General Assembly is the ultimate authority of the Society.
§5 The affairs of the Society are managed by the Council which has eight (8) members. These are elected amongst members of the Society active in Denmark, Finland, Norway, or Sweden, in such a way that all four countries are represented. The Ordinary General Assembly elects a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Journal Responsible, one Representative for PhD-students/PostDocs, two (2) Council Members, two (2) Auditors, and two (2) Deputy Auditors. A deputy from each country is also elected and can be summoned whenever a Council Member from the country in question is unable to attend. Members of the Council can be re-elected, but the President and Vice President cannot serve for more than 3 periods altogether.
§6 If any officer of the Society vacates his office in the interval between two Ordinary General Assemblies, the Council appoints a member to fill the vacancy.
§7 The Council is responsible for taking decisions to ensure that the affairs of the Society are conducted in accordance with the laws of the Society. Motions are carried by an absolute majority of votes, providing that at least five (5) of the members of the Council are present. In the case of a tie in voting, the President has the casting vote. Business may be transacted and votes may be cast in writing or by using other ways of communication that have been authorized by the Council. The Council must however hold at least one meeting each year.
§8 The Secretary is to keep the minutes of the meetings of the Society and the Council. The Treasurer administers the funds of the Society and keeps the accounts, which are to be closed at the end of each calendar year.
§9 The Council is responsible for the finances of the scientific journal and for the management of the Society.
§10 The Society owns and publishes the journal Physiologia Plantarum. Income from the publication of the journal belongs to the Society. The Council appoints the Editor-inChief and the staff of the journal, manages the finances of the journal and takes the necessary decisions in the interest of the Society, concerning the publishing of the journal, including contracts with the publishers. Income above that required for the management of the journal is transferred to the Society. The Council decides upon the amount transferred annually to and from the journal. The Journal Responsible is to present the annual budget and the financial report of the journal, which must be approved by the Council.
§11 The Election Committee, consisting of one member from each of the four Nordic countries, prepares nominations for election of members and their deputies to Council, also auditors and their deputies and a new Election Committee. The recommendations of the Election Committee must be sent to the members at least six (6) weeks before the Ordinary General Assembly. Other nominations must reach the Council at least two (2) weeks before the Ordinary General Assembly.
§12 The Society must hold the Ordinary General Assembly at least every third year, alternating between the four countries. The Council must inform at least six (6) months before all members of the Society. All members should receive the agenda not less than 14 days before the date of the Ordinary General Assembly. The Ordinary General Assembly is opened by the President of the Society. The agenda comprises the following items:
Proposals concerning changes in the bylaws of the Society must reach the Council not less than eight (8) weeks before the General Assembly. Every member present has the right to vote. Decisions are made by an absolute majority of votes. In the case of a tie in the voting, the President has the deciding vote. Decisions concerning changes in the bylaws of the Society require a 2/3 majority.
§13 The Ordinary General Assembly is to be held in connection with a scientific congress. The congress is to be organized and led by a chairman appointed by the Council when the place for the next congress is decided.
§14 One or more authorized public accountants are engaged by the council to audit the records every year. Their report is to be deposited with the secretary before the end of July in the following year. The auditors elected by the Ordinary General Assembly shall examine the activities of the Council before each Ordinary General Assembly and submit a report to the meeting. If the auditors find it necessary, they may require that an Extraordinary General Assembly is called in three months to discuss and decide on the auditor's report and any matters connected therewith.
§15 Motions concerning the dissolution of the Society are to be made available to members for voting in writing. If at least three-quarters (3/4) of the votes cast are in favor of dissolution, the Council shall summon an Extraordinary General Assembly or bring up the motion at the next Ordinary General Assembly. If at least three-quarters (3/4) of the votes cast by the Ordinary General Assembly are in favor of dissolution, the Assembly shall determine how the assets of the Society are to be disposed of, and ensure that this is carried out in accordance with the aims of the Society.
§16 The laws are published in English.