E-Book "Beyond GMO"

Physiologia Plantarum

Contact Information

SPPS Office


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Join SPPS!

You don't need to re-register if you have a 5-year membership, but as a member of an organization, it is necessary to keep your membership active by re-registering. If you want to make changes to your membership data or have questions, please e-mail the SPPS office directly.

Follow the respective link ....

Join as a person; a private member or a member of a supporting organization!

Join as a supporting organization!

Have you forgotten if you are a member? Send an e-mail.

Reregistration of your membership

As last year, we need confirmation from all our members that they wish to stay SPPS members even this year!
Please use this email form to prolong your membership!


The link will open a pop-up window or your outlook app. If you have disabled popups for this site it may not work. You can email us manually at office(at)spps.se. If you have a membership via an institution or a 5 year membership you will not be billed. If your membership has run out, we will contact you.

To join SPPS please follow the above link to a "Google Form" that will submit all necessary information to us. After we have processed your application you will receive an e-mail or a letter (for organizations) with your payment information. You can start to apply for grants right after you have received your invoice, but we can not finally decide on your application before the invoice is paid. After you have paid, you will receive a welcome to SPPS e-mail (person).

Institutions will be added to the list on our homepage and their members can instantly start to become members after we sent out the invoice. We expect timely an uncomplicated handling of the payment from our members.

Welcome to SPPS!

Information and Prices: Membership in SPPS

Why join?

If you are interested in plant science or work within the field then Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society is the society for you. It is important to point out that even if we are a Scandinavian society, our members are from all over the world and all are welcomed to join.

Read more about membership benefits here.

We now offer collective memberships by supporting institutions. Find out, if your institute supports SPPS and you can become a member for free!

Prices for memberships:

Regular membership 30 €

Regular membership, 5 years, 100 €

Student membership, 15 €

Student membership, 5 years, 50 €

Prices for supporting institutes or groups:

Small, up to 10 persons: 100 €, medium 10-25 persons 200 €, large 25 or more persons 500 €.

Individual signup as a member of a supporting organization: FREE!

To join SPPS please follow the below link to a "Google Form" that will submit all necessary information to us. After we have processed your application you will receive an e-mail or a letter (for organizations) with your payment information. You can start to apply for grants right after you have received your invoice, but we can not finally decide on your application before the invoice is paid. After you have paid, you will receive a welcome to SPPS e-mail (person).

Institutions will be added to the the list on our homepage and their members can instantly start to become members after we sent out the invoice. We expect timely an uncomplicated handling of the payment from our members.

List of supporting organizations:

Institutionen för biologi- och miljövetenskaper, Göteborgs Universitet

Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki

Molecular Plant Biology, University of Turku

Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå University/ Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen

Plant Link Network

Linnean Centre for Plant Biology in Uppsala

James Blande Group, University of Eastern Finland

Norwegian Univeristy of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Institute for Biology, NTNU

University of Oslo

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